Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Wish me luck!!!!

There are like 1...2...3...4...I dunno....A couple of dayz till PMR!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am sooooooooooooo happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's finally gonna be over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wakakakakaka!!!!!!!!!!! Many things happened since I last blogged.... Believe me... A LOT!!! Not gonna bother to tell u... As usual.... Because u don't need to know..... Hehe..... Can'y wait for the exam to be over!!!! I will be FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Muahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!! Spent most of the hols with my buddies!!!! Good luck everyone in PMR!!!!!!!!!!!!1


Monday, September 14, 2009

Why am I doin this again??

I am so bored that i'm actually bloggin! It's a miracle! Haha.... Well stuff happened... Lotz of stuff happened... But i'm too darn lazy to blog about it.... Oh well.... What was i goin to say again? Oh yeah! My class has a blog!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tadadadadda!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!! Every1 go see!!!!!!!! Go K3E!!!!!!!! Suppose to be studyin now!!! Better go!!!!!!!! Will try to write more if i bother..... Hehe.....
